Are inventive typography and data storytelling effective website design traits?

When you choose a website design company in Pune to make your website, it is important that it knows the latest trends prevailing in the niche.
Then only you can expect a compact and effective design that looks contemporary.
Whether we like or not, but the creative choices of a website designer always exist alongside the trends.
Have you heard about two concepts in the arena of web development? They are inventive typography and storytelling.
Before you discuss the design and layout of your website with the web development company in Pune, you must know the meaning, relevance, and importance of these terms.
Let’s understand these concepts and their importance in website design.

Inventive typography

What is the first thing that grabs your attention when you look at the website? It is typography. Yes, it is a powerful thing indeed.
The web designers today are coming out from the age-old fascination of Roman Sans-Serif or Helvetica fonts.
They want to experiment with the whole array of typefaces available in the niche.
The cutout letters or cutout typography is the in-thing. As the screen resolution of the devices becomes more prominent and sharp, a web development company in Pune wants to take the maximum benefit of it.
The new and innovative fonts bring two advantages:
  •          These fonts enhance the aesthetic appeal and give a personality to the website. Oversized typefaces create a long-lasting impact because the impressions remain in mind for a long time.

  •          Typography cutout is another thing that is popular today. Use of black color makes it further attractive. Big fonts, black color, and moving images make it eye-catching.

Experts underline the importance of creativity and imagination while designing innovative websites.  It is not enough to follow the trends, but it is furthermore important to enhance it with innovative ideas.

When your website design company in Pune does it, your website grabs the attention of viewers.
Data storytelling

Modern web development company in Pune gives importance to one more thing; effective storytelling. In fact, some developers rank it even more than animated visualization or 3D perspective.
What is it all about? Storytelling means conveying complex information in a simple and engaging way. The style should be understandable to everyone. A variety of audience should find it interesting.
Nowadays, web designers are thinking outside the box because they want to be different from others.
Interestingly, they can create wonders by amalgamating creative animation and attractive font with engaging storytelling.
When the visual element and the information element work together, viewers get a visual treat. Technology makes it possible to mix the real and virtual world seamlessly.
The richness and depth that is possible today in website designs were unachievable a few years ago. Therefore, the sky is no limit for a website design company in Pune.
A website created by seasoned designers that bring high-quality content and effective use of creativity attracts the audience.
Using new-age tools and following modern trends, they make it visually attractive.


When website designers create websites for their clients today, they make sure that not only the latest trends are used, but the website gives authentic and genuine information to the viewers. They want to create a long-lasting impact by exploring the potential of typography and storytelling. A perfect balance of the two is essential for an effective website.


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